Bamboo Dietary Fiber

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Опис товару
Bamboo Dietary Fiber Powder
Botanical Resource: Bambusa Textilis McClure
Chinese Name: 竹膳食纤维
Part of the Plant Used: Bamboo Shoots
Active Ingredients: Dietary Fiber / Flavonoids
Product Specification: 120 Mesh (124um)

Product Introduction
The content of dietary fiber in green bamboo is up to 93%, while the insoluble dietary fiber is up to 90%. Sunfull’s Bamboo dietary fiber is unique natural fiber extracted from the bamboo shoot via advantage processing technology purification. It resembles a flavorless and odor-free, fibrous primrose yellow or white powder. Chinese traditional medicine believes bamboo shoots of slightly cold, to heat, expectorant, cough, hypertension, constipation, diabetes. Bamboo fiber insoluble dietary fiber content of more than soluble fiber, which has a huge surface area of absorption, excellent water retention and swelling, excellent liposuction, suction performance characteristics. In improving digestive function, prevent the use of toxic substances nutrient disorders caused by increased excretion of cholesterol, increasing the number of bowel movements, insoluble dietary fiber is better than soluble dietary fiber. Bamboo dietary fiber is praised as the supper cleaner for gentle intestinal cleansing. It is suitable for the person with problem of dry stool, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, coronary heart disease.


Dietary supplements
Food industry: Health food, Bakery food, Instant noodles food, all kinds of mixed breakfast, Nutrition cereal, Milk and soybean milk products, Solid drink, Chewable tablets, all kinds of snack food, Jam and fortified flour.

Recommend Usage: 7~10% for noodles, 10~15% for cakes, and 15~25% for Bakery cookie food.